Norm or others,
I just finished playing 604 hands of simulated blackjack on CVBJ. My correct play rating fell at 98% (index play) (and they were corrected, so actual playing percentage was 100%) and betting was perfect thanks to the fact that it can be changed if there is an error. The game was standard MGM DD S17 rules: 2D, DAS, SPA1, 60% pen, S17. Play all. The betting ramp was: 1 unit for TC 1 or below, 2 units at TC=2, 3 units at TC=3, 4 units at TC=4 and 6 units at TC>=5. {yes, I know the game doesn't SCORE very well--but I am not a professional. I'm trying to keep my game EVEN with them and enjoy a free vacation, eat well, and not get creamed. If I win a little money, great. If I lose a little, fine. If I lose bunches, I need to find another hobby.}

I happened to use units of $100 for this action. I managed to lose $4,850 in those 604 hands. Using an old sim of a similar (but not exact) situation (betting ramp was more aggressive in the sim vs. actual play), the win rate per hand was 2.777 (and with a variable of 170 hands/hour [one on one play] a results of $/hr of 277.72). The Std Dev per hand was 3.263 and the Std Dev per hour (again, 170 hands) was 42.543.

When I punch in these numbers to the CVCX "actual results" software window, I get a chance of results of 0%.

Now, I'm mathematically challenged enough. But when I found out that the results I just witnessed with my own eyes (playing perfectly) are absolutely not possible, I get concerned. Obviously, I need help getting the information entered correctly to find out how bad these results really are. And I'm sure that will spawn a whole new set of questions.

I'm off to run an IDENTICAL sim to what was just played to get ChapterX data to enter. But I'd like some expert input before I continue to spin my wheels. Thanks.