I have an interactive program and I am wondering how I can make it available on the internet. I am new at this.

First I downloaded Apache HTTP Server.

Second, I developed the program. I tested it by putting an executable in the cgi-bin folder of Apache Server, using localhost ( It seems to work OK. It uses JavaScript and the only browser I have is Internet Explorer.

Third, I want to be able to run the program from a web host. I am assuming the host needs to be running Apache Server, but I don't know for sure and don't know where to look.

The program allows a user to input a player hand of from 1 to 21 cards, the number of decks, dealer up card, dealer soft stand number, w/rules options for doubling, DAS, double any number of cards, surrender, ENHC. Output of program is basic strategy of either stand, hit, double, split, or surrender which is based on the hand composition/rules/decks.

Any suggestions or comments appreciated.

Keith Collins