I just discovered a problem that I will need to fix. If you try to select an up card before doing anything else, an error occurs and the program will not run because it is trying to reference something that doesn't yet exist. As the program now exists, you must click "Compute" at least once before you can access the dealer's probabilities for any up card or overall. Once that is done, selecting a value from the drop down list will not cause the program to halt.

Clicking "Compute" with no player cards entered computes a pre-deal overall EV. Clicking "Compute" with 1 player card entered computes an overall EV given that player knows his first card. Clicking "Compute" with 2 or more player cards entered computes the applicable EVs and strategy for that player hand.

The dealer's probabilities are just there for reference. The information needed to play a hand for all up cards will be in the "Player's Expected Values" section. There is no need to specify a specific up card to get this information.

Sorry for the error, and thanks again for your input. If you have any questions or problems let me know.
