> Maybe splitting aces depends on the rules
> of a certain 6 deck game. I thought, never
> split aces
> when the count is neutral or negative. Do
> you really split 9?s v. aces when the count
> is +3. Concerning
> picking up a couple of BJ books. I have
> ordered
> BJA by D.S. I hope, it helps, too.

Not all indices are created equal. Sure, there is an index for not splitting aces, it is around -5 against an ace and gets more negative against weaker upcards. I try to find an excuse to wave off a hand or leave the table before the count gets that negative.

Blackjack Attack is indeed an excellent book, but it is not a basic text. It will give you the 18 most important indices, and tell you why they're important (and later a few more), but you need other books as well. Stanford Wong's Professional Blackjack is a must-have for anyone using the Hi-Lo count - it is the definitive reference work for this counting system.