> Do you really thick ploppies will
> consistenly get a kick being treated as
> packrats and this hunk casino will benefit
> to a goldmine in the long run?

I think at this particular casino, where for all practical purposes there's NO competition, they can do whatever they like, and the tables will be packed 24/7. In fact, they do and they are. At least a hundred gamblers a day WALK AWAY from those tables because they don't care to wait 20 minutes for a seat. This is one of the few places that would profit by devoting more space to blackjack, since the slots aren't quite so packed.

The pact Potty-wannabe signed with the governor guarantees them ZERO competition within 50 miles, and they're smack dab in the middle of Wisconsin's densest area. Talk about a seller's market. And if all the suckers go broke, so they have to improve the rules, the APs will flock and the ploppies won't even know the difference.

Sometimes, you just have to give the devil its due.