How does one say 'more than several 'oops-es.'? Maybe it is like the moose: one is plenty and more than many are also.....

Where is Don when you really need him?

Once, in the middle of correcting one of Don's posts, I made an exact duplicate of your 'oops.' Was I ever dressed down for that! Substituting the possesive 'your' for the contraction of 'you are' is grade school grammar. and vice versa. I love fragmented sentences. They drive my Word program absolutely bananas.

You're the man, Adam. I'm your basic fetishist who likes to add and subtract strategic articles.

Umm.....T-Hopper. Don never actually left this time zone. You can stand down now, sir. The United States of Grammerica has it's commander-in-chief on call again. You have been relieved of your duty.

Well done. You're to be commended for defending your post. In fact, Don has not commented since Predator 0.5 was released on the unsuspecting Heartland community. I suspect he has been lurking. Given the multitude of rules I break, and our collective 'quick and dirty approach to prof-reading material before posting, if I had a familiarity with English I would keep my distance, too.

Whew, what a sentence. Fragged by my own keyboard. I had better quit while I am behind. A good strategy for the local stores on occasion, too.

regards to all,