I am the type of player that likes to know how my performance at the tables compares to simulated win rates with CVCX.

One assumption of BJ simulators is that the number of players at the table remain constant for play all. Suppose in a game with 4 players, a ploppy leaves in the middle of the shoe. Wouldn't this player's departure alter the TC frequencies for the shoe and make them different from the calculations which the simulation was based on?

Same question applies when another player enters the shoe at random. Again, the TC frequencies would be altered.

This type of random player entry/departure occurs in at least 15% of shoes. I guess my concern is whether or not the simulated WR, variance, SCORE, etc are still close to accurate despite these unavoidable, real world factors.

Another question with respect to this topic is regarding penetration for the simulation. Most players select one level of penetration which they feel is a close approximation to their game, and then use a bet schedule based upon that level of pen. But, what happens if the estimate of pen is off by 1/4 deck? Now, the player would be using a suboptimal bet ramp in their game. Is this anything to be concerned about?

At the end of the day, I guess one should realize that simulations are just estimates of real world play. I mean there are just sooo many variables that can be slightly different than that which was simulated when one sits down at a BJ table.