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Thread: jblaze: casino check cashing

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  1. #1

    jblaze: casino check cashing

    Wondering how similar this is to credit? Can just anyone cash a check? Does it go into a central agency where, if you get bounced from the casino, other places will know your name? Thanks

  2. #2

    Bettie: Re: casino check cashing

    > Wondering how similar this is to credit? Can just
    > anyone cash a check? Does it go into a central agency
    > where, if you get bounced from the casino, other
    > places will know your name? Thanks

    Well, they will fingerprint you and the check has to be from a known company. For example, I have been contacted by various casinos in the past and asked to send some proof that RGE is a legitimate company so that past employees could cash checks. I don't recall exactly what they wanted; I think they sent a form that I filled out, along with a copy of a voided check.

    Or are you talking about writing a check against your own account? That, I don't have much information on.


  3. #3

    jblaze: Hm. I mean against your own account. *NM*


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