Actually two ideas. Both are complicated.

1)How about a casino "heat profile?" I know people sometimes throw in comments about what kind of spread you can get away with, but I'm picturing something more detailed. Ideally, Trackjack users could combine their experience at a casino into a database. Then we could draw from it to determine a good cover strategy to use against a particular casino.

2)Similarly, how about adding "shuffle profiles?"

If this information is too sensitive to be made available publicly, one way you could protect it(and also make sure the information is reliable) would be to introduce a "buddy system:" Only your "buddies" would have access to your report data, and you could rate your own buddies as to how reliable you consider their data.

These are the sorts of things I think about while drinking rum at 1 o'clock in the morning. From where I'm standing, anyway, they sound like two fantastic ideas. What do ya say, Parker?