Soft17: Dont hate ploppies!
Although they are amazingly annoying for the most part, they seem to help counters out through their behavior. Here's one short story:
Small joint. 2 tables open. Somehow find a spot at one of them with a freshly shuffled shoe. Middle aged man at third base having his 6th or maybe 10th beer. Starts pulling of amazing stuff like hitting Hard 20s and 18s, standing on 6s, doubling on 14 Vs 10, etc. The whole table starts getting annoyed and whispering about it. I make this a reason to stay out most of the hands as the count has dipped. The whole table gets hammered on the next 4-5 rounds. Some more amazing piece of work from third base and almost everyone leaves. The count improves somewhat. I am looking at him annoyed staying out. He loses his last chip on a hand of 9 as the dealer pulls a 6 card dealer 21 pushing the count to +2. Even the bystanders take off. I jump in and cash in on this opportunity to the fullest!
Igor: (Message Deleted by Poster)
Parker: Love thy ploppy
If everyone played perfect basic strategy, the tables holds would plummet and the game as we know it would soon cease to exist.
The ploppies wild missplays make our own count-based strategy deviations look less obvious.
As you point out, sometimes ploppies will drive people away from a table in an otherwise crowded casino.
And of course, a ploppies idiotic misplay at third base will help you as often as it will hurt you.
Be kind to the ploppies. Without them we could not exist.
bjdavid: Re: Love thy ploppy
That's right, the more ploppies the better!! The only thing I would change is to make them play faster! That would help the counters and the casinos.
Dino: Re: Love thy ploppy
> If everyone played perfect basic strategy,
> the tables holds would plummet and the game
> as we know it would soon cease to exist.
> The ploppies wild missplays make our own
> count-based strategy deviations look less
> obvious.
> As you point out, sometimes ploppies will
> drive people away from a table in an
> otherwise crowded casino.
> And of course, a ploppies idiotic misplay at
> third base will help you as often as it will
> hurt you.
> Be kind to the ploppies. Without them we
> could not exist.
Yeah well the biggest problem with these "golden ploppies" is they're succeeding in destroying the game we know as 21 by playing these ridiculous games you see in the casinos. Shoes that look like they belong in Star Wars, discards that go right back in those stupid things. I witnessed for the first time that crooked game of single deck (pitch) where they take out each individual deck from the shuffler, after the first round at a 4 player table the count was negative double digits and I spotted 2 Ace-hearts.
This is not 21 anymore and as long as these neophytes keep playing such ludicrous games, our days are numbered.
Mark: How can I live in harmony with them ?
Its not so much how people play thats annoying. Its the fact that they blame all their bad luck on you. I'm happy that casinos are full of people who play however they like. If it makes them happy then good luck to them. Is makes no difference to me if somebody hits his 20 as long as hes quick about it.
When I open another box or do something they don't like (Like hit A7 against a 10) it always creates tension and slows the game down.
When I Black Jack comes their way the dealer say "well done sir" and they look around the table as if to say "I caused that to happen". I am quick to point out that if they were so sure their next hand was blackjack why they only bet $5 on it. Instead of seeing reason they then blame my actions for all the hands they have lost so far (execpt the ones that my actions inadvertanly caused the dealer to break. That was their skill)
When I leave they go back to blaming the dealer and insisting that the house change him right away.
I'm yet to find a way to get around the psycology of these people and make them leave me alone.
Any Ideas ?
Cacarulo: Re: Love thy ploppy
> That's right, the more ploppies the better!!
Well, I would prefer no more than 2.
> The only thing I would change is to make
> them play faster! That would help the
> counters and the casinos.
Also, I would make them not to eat cards on positive counts and the opposite on negative counts.
Igor: (Message Deleted by Poster)
Moose: Mr. Surrender..
.. is a local here at the casinos. He surrenders any hard 12-16 against a dealer's 7-T and 2-3. He also surrenders a 4,5,6,7, hard 17 or soft 13-16 against a ten.
Boy, the other players hate it. And they stay away, far away.
Needless to say, Mr. Surrender is one ploppy I'm extra nice to
Hard to argue when the guys surrenders his A2 v T in a sky high count..
But most of the ploppies suck.
Igor: (Message Deleted by Poster)
Norm Wattenberger: Re: Etymology.
?The wave of thought and feeling?stirred on the unruffled pond?by the startling plop of Buffon?s little pebble.?
- Charles Grant Blairfindie Allen, 1885
But as long as the advantage player gets his share of the pebbles, enjoy the ploppiness of others.
Sun Runner: Re: How can I live in harmony with them ?
> I'm yet to find a way to get around the
> psycology of these people and make them
> leave me alone.
> Any Ideas ?
There is none.
Stressing over things you have no control over is wasted stress. The only thing you really have control over is how you react to them.
Suck it up, laugh it off, even agree with them " ..that was pretty stupid wasn't it?"
You know your going to the bank and they are going broke. So why should you stress?
SOTSOG: Ploppy harmony and enlightenment.
The Four Noble Truths of Ploppies.
The First Noble Truth of Ploppies.
The Noble Truth of Suffering:
All that is Ploppy is Suffering.
The Second Noble Truth of Ploppies.
The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering:
The origin of suffering lies in the use of Ploppy.
The Third Noble Truth of Ploppies.
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering:
The cessation of suffering can be achieved by not using Ploppy.
The Fourth Noble Truth of Ploppies.
The Noble Truth of the Path Leading to the Cessation of Suffering:
... Is the Illustrious 18 non-Ploppy path.
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