Hi there,

Does any one have any thoughts on the following: I've recently come accross a foreign casino that allows unlimited splitting of pairs.

When splitting tens with a positive true count the correct play is obviously to keep splitting untill the count has decreased to the point where it is no longer to your advantage. But is there a point at which you would put a self imposed limit in order not to have more than a fixed percentage of your bankroll riding on the outcome of what is in effect a single hand.

Imagine a situation where you've got your maximum bet out, say $250 on two hands and you get two twenties the dealer shows a 6. With the deck loaded with 10's and only a pack remaining its possible to split 4 or 5 times on each hand, leaving you with $ 2000 or more on the table. Also in terms of expected return is it better to have it all on a hand like that or to have more rounds?

Many thanks.
