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Thread: Blackjack switch house edge question

  1. #1

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    Blackjack switch house edge question

    Just a question about the house edge in blackjack switch. There are some switch games in CBJN that i see have a house edge of 0.16%. Lets say you put down 5 dollars on each spot. Is your EV on the hand -3.2 cents or -1.6 cents, assuming you play perfect strategy somehow?

  2. #2

    1 out of 1 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    Why would it be -3.2 cents? Also note that BS for BJSwitch is anything but "basic". lol
    Last edited by RS; 04-15-2013 at 01:35 AM.
    "Everyone wants to be rich, but nobody wants to work for it." -Ryan Howard [The Office]

  3. #3

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    Because you have 10 dollars on the table

    Quote Originally Posted by RollingStoned View Post
    Why would it be -3.2 cents?

  4. #4
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    The actual House Edge for BJ Switch is 0.56% / 0.58% (6 decks / 8 decks)

    The low House Edge you are referencing is for perfect play.

    It is only offered on BJ Switch games dealt from a C.S.M.

    At least that is my experience.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blackjackomaha's Avatar
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    There are some BJ Switch games dealt from ASM.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member moo321's Avatar
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    How much research have you done on BJ switch? Optimal play basically requires you to memorize a massive EV chart for switching, and that ignores any index play. Also, it's a carny game, so I doubt you'll be able to lay down huge action without sticking out like a thumb.
    The Cash Cow.

  7. #7

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    I wasn't really too concerned with playing it, I was just kind of curious. Seems like if I just wanted to play a game that is slow, with a low house edge to get free drinks that could be a a decent one. I realize now that the question was pretty dumb. No idea how i screwed that one up. As for the strategy, I was looking on WOO and it seems lke 15 or 20 mins of practice and you could play pretty close to the advanced strategy they have on there. Its only a 0.08% loss compared to perfect strat.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Goatlife's Avatar
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    unfortunately this game, another bj variant, and Spanish in a lot of area's have had pen reduced to the standard 2 out of 8... it really makes learning this skill not that one of my back off casino's are now saying u can't play bj and Spanish even though I have never played one hand of Spanish in my life.....I do know a place that has a great switch game and possibly learning that but I don't think it worth it cause I have been backed off for counting and if I start winning it won't take them long to figure out what im doing.....I think my time is better spent looking for other things

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster_Flash View Post

    The actual House Edge for BJ Switch is 0.56% / 0.58% (6 decks / 8 decks)
    The low House Edge you are referencing is for perfect play.
    It is only offered on BJ Switch games dealt from a C.S.M.
    At least that is my experience.
    If I read correctly, the house edge is 0.56% for 6 decks, 0.58% for 8 decks and 0.16% for CSM, and I assume that all these numbers are for perfect Basic Strategy play.
    But what is the reason why the house edge is so much lower for CSM games? It must be some favourable rule. Is the BJ payout the classic 3:2 rather than 1:1 there?
    Last edited by PinkChip; 06-03-2013 at 04:47 PM.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinkChip View Post
    If I read correctly, the house edge is 0.56% for 6 decks, 0.58% for 8 decks and 0.16% for CSM, and I assume that all these numbers are for perfect Basic Strategy play.
    But what is the reason why the house edge is so much lower for CSM games? It must be some favourable rule. Is the BJ payout the classic 3:2 rather than 1:1 there?
    In the .56% game switched 21=21.
    In the .16% game switched 21=bj.
    You still get paid 1-1 in both games but the switched 21=bj game you get paid before the dealer has a chance to play her hand and possibly draw to 21 or 22 to push you.

  11. #11

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    Ah, OK, many thanks!

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