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Thread: The thrill of the drill

  1. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by DSchles View Post
    Very clear explanation and presentation of the data. I actually learned something, which I don't get to say all that often! I wouldn't have known that, in ENHC, where the loss in EV to the player is 0.11%, virtually all of that (0.10%) comes from the ten. Surely, considering the plays that are sacrificed, it's easy, by intuition, to guess that the majority is lost to the ten, but I've never seen that value quantified. Nice job!

    So, since the rest of the game plays like normal BJ, it would appear that all you're looking for, in indices, are for doubling 11 vs. T and splitting 8,8 vs. T. There is no index for the latter; you just don't do it! As for the former, I want to consult with Gronbog and/or Cacarulo about a discrepancy we have with a value Wong gives on p. 85 of Professional Blackjack. That index is +4, which differs greatly from the one we give on P. 314, which is +11. I'll get to the bottom of it.

    Hi Don

    Thanks for helping out. I think I’ve got it now. When holding 11 vs T, I go from hit to D.D. at +4, and 88 vs 10 hits up to 0+ and stands from there.

    By the way, also thank you for the kind words. I’m delighted with the positive feedback. The blushing quickly turned into starstruckness, when I realized that the source of the feedback is also the source of my still limited but steadily growing knowledge of the game.

    Regarding your reference to p. 314 (about the discrepancy in the index), I’m a little puzzled. At first, I was convinced I’d be able to find it in my—yes, admittedly a little vintage and perhaps somewhat ‘worn’—copy of Blackjack Attack (not through abuse, of course, just from diligently reading ), but it only contains 269 pages, so…

    Kind regards,

    If someone has succeeded in importing this rule setup from CVBJ or similar to the CV-DRILL -app, I’d love to hear from them:

    Dealer action: Peeks at aces but doesn’t peek at tens
    (So a natural is possible if the hole card is a T, but not if it’s an A. They even dare to name this violation of human rights 'a Hidden BlackJack' instead of the more suitable 'daylight robbery').

    The rest is standard stuff: S17, 8 decks, double on any 2, no DAS, all pairs can be split only once (aces cannot be drawn to), no surrender, BJ pays 3:2.

  2. #15

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    Don said
    It might have helped if I had read the last full paragraph of page 20 of the book before responding!
    I did that once. Failed to read paragraph 4 on page 227. Needed to renegotiate I accepted full responsibility.

  3. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Parrotbird View Post
    Thanks for helping out. I think I’ve got it now. When holding 11 vs T, I go from hit to D.D. at +4
    So, technically correct as +4 is the EV-maximizing index. But as Don pointed out, it's worth very little. When we ranked this play at +4 for our benchmark ENHC game (4.5/6 S17 DAS ENHC - Play-All 1-12), it did not make the Nifty 50. It came in as number 88 out of 124 indices, only 115 of which increase SCORE. It's contribution to SCORE is 0.3 which translates to 0.3 cents per hour betting full Kelly with a $10k bankroll. Knowing that players would be interested in this play, we ranked it again at the risk averse strike point of +11 and even then, it only came in 50th contributing 0.6 cents to SCORE. Now that you know these numbers, go ahead and use whichever you want, but don't fool yourself into thinking that this play is a significant part of your repertoire.

    Quote Originally Posted by Parrotbird View Post
    Regarding your reference to p. 314 (about the discrepancy in the index), I’m a little puzzled. At first, I was convinced I’d be able to find it in my—yes, admittedly a little vintage and perhaps somewhat ‘worn’—copy of Blackjack Attack (not through abuse, of course, just from diligently reading ), but it only contains 269 pages, so…
    You need BJA3 (i.e. 3rd edition).

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