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Thread: QFIT strategy advisor

  1. #1

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    QFIT strategy advisor

    hi today i used the qfit strategy advisor and it recommended me first the uston-ss and in second place ubz-2

    i did a quick search for uston ss and only could find this page with info in it: can someone tell me if this info is correct?

    i also searched for ubz2 and found a very old thread in blackjackinfo about a ubz open source composite, out of these 2 what do u think is the better option? thanks

  2. #2

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    What system are you currently using? Master it and stick with it. Even when you fully master it, keep practicing at least an hour a day.

    If you are still pondering which system to learn, then choose between K-O (or its simplified version REKO), Red 7 or Hi-Lo.

    Both Uston SS and UBZ2 are excellent strategies. UBZ2 is certainly easier to learn and for all practical purposes just as powerful as level 3 unbalanced Uston SS count, however it is not as powerful as it was back in the 1990s and early 2000s due to the decline in the quality of the offered games.

    Whatever you decide, be sure to read at least 10 books before entering the casino.

  3. #3
    Senior Member moo321's Avatar
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    Uston SS is a level 3 unbalanced count. I don't know anyone that has ever used it. Unbalanced Zen will get you basically the same performance in a level 2, if you don't want to do deck estimation. KO will still give very good results with a level 1 system.

    If you're willing to do deck estimation, RPC and Zen are slightly better counts than Uston SS and they're only level 2.
    The Cash Cow.

  4. #4

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    Thank u both maolen and moo321 for answering. based on your answers i think ubz2 is the best option for me rn. I feel im not ready yet for a true counted system so that's why I'll go with unbalanced for now.

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