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Thread: How James Grosjean thinks about heat

  1. #1
    Senior Member moo321's Avatar
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    How James Grosjean thinks about heat

    The most successful counters I’ve seen would aggressively attack certain casinos, but totally avoid others.

    Some counters will go ahead and play anywhere, but I don’t think that’s optimal. There are casinos out there that will allow a shocking number of hours. They just don’t know what a counter looks like, or they are unwilling to take countermeasures against the player. Successful counters generally play these unicorn casinos often and hard, sometimes camping out for months. The late Big Red camped out on the same table for years! Think about that—spreading from 0 to 2x$300, with no cover, for 20-40 hours per week, for years. And getting points and comps on a player’s card on top of it all.
    The Cash Cow.

  2. #2

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    To me, this article reads like two different articles pressed into one. It starts with KO, then talks about playing at good casinos, then goes back to talking about the benefits of simpler count systems. I guess the message is twofold:

    1. Play at the best casinos
    2. Use a running count system to speed up and simplify your play (at those best casinos I guess)

    I guess that makes sense, but what if these honey holes are not in your area?

    I was doing Zen for 6-deck and Hi-Opt II for 2-deck. I considered just going to Zen for both and that's what I would probably do if I still played. I just don't think Hi-Opt with a side count is worth it anymore. But at the time, I was doing it not just because I wanted to squeeze all the possible value out of that Ace, but also so I could keep my spread modest on DD. It was a game with good pen and late surrender.

    If that great tolerance is not readily available, I think it's okay to learn the harder count if your intention is to keep the bet spread down as low as possible while still being worth it to play. Greed kills, sooner or later.

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