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Thread: What is the house edge with these Freebet bj rules?

  1. #1

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    What is the house edge with these Freebet bj rules?


    My local casino offering Freebet BJ with these following rules, can someone help to estimate the house edges (assuming perfect basic strategy):

    - 6 decks shuffling with CSM
    - Dealer draws on S17
    - BJ pays 3-to-2
    - Dealer no hole card (so no checking of BJ until all players finish drawing)
    - Surrender allowed only for 2-10 except for A
    - Even money offered when player's BJ vs dealer's upcard A
    - If Dealer has BJ, lose exactly only 1 original wage (so any other wages on double or split do not lose vs dealer's BJ)
    - Free Split all pairs exept 10-value cards , and allow to free split up to 4 hands
    - Normal Split also allowed up to 4 hands for all pairs except Aces (see next line)
    - Cannot re-split/re-free split Aces and only 1 card drawn for split Ace. Split Ace cannot double and not eligible for blackjack
    - Free Double with a hand of hard total 9,10 and 11, before or after split
    - Normal double also allowed for all hand, before or after split (except Split Aces cannot be doubled)
    - Dealer pushes if 22

    Also, can strategy table on Winzard site be used for the above rules?
    Last edited by mrkent; 01-27-2025 at 09:16 PM.

  2. #2

    Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    I think this guy did the original math for the game.

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