First, your quoted example is to my view the most interesting chapter in Snyders book. It refers to the jovial guy who never ratholes who throws more chips to the pile in declining counts. If memory serves, you’re in the area of page 147. It is a form of opposition betting, a concept I believe in though use it in a different way.
Two examples, though one is not as described. Depending on where I’m playing , I’ll either use a dual ramp or single variable ramp. Regardless of approach, the variable bet spread is dependant on factors not based on true count specifically, but rather on that concept I refer to as QTC - Quality of True Count. In essence, just as higher true count relates to higher success rates on doubles and splits, higher QTC gives a higher success ratio to those high count doubles and splits.
Now, before going more to the point, the gambit normally doesn’t apply to high stakes slash and burn players who tend to be robotic to the count. Just in the last couple of days, we had that profit differential cited between counts of true 1.0 and 1.5 - half true counts and their effect on higher profitability. I have seen more than 1 high stakes pro jump from 1x25 to 2x200 or 300 at exactly true 1.0. Now, for myself, I have no issues going to 2 units at break even, but to 16x is in fact a mistake and likely made by totally believing the CVCX ramp increase on some sims in the true 1 bucket.
And now the point - more likely after an analysis of a played shoe is the potential ability to recognize patterns still existing after a shuffled shoe. You have won 2 or 3 hands in a row and the declining count no longer justifies your unchanged wager - but - what if you’re in a rich card clump. As the sing says - Carry on my wayward son.
It happens, just as the risk averse 10 v 10 double I made scoring a stiff leading to a less than desirable result.