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Thread: How to prevent dishonesty in team play

  1. #1

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    How to prevent dishonesty in team play

    I can list a number of scenarios where a person is not available or allowed to be at the table alongside someone else. How to prevent dishonesty in such team plays?

    1. They paid for the privilege of betting opportunity and you can’t stop them from coming while you are not there/sleeping

    2. The investor is not the bettor and the bettor can claim it is funny or not appropriate to have the investor sitting with him always together

    3. In other team play there are spotters, chair ownners, counters, and big bettor . In such cases their timing is also such that the investor cannot always be together. And at times when the bettor comes himself won’t we have to take his word for it?

    In top of running away with the money? Like you can search the p2p forum poker in Cambodia someone ran away with the money?

    So how to prevent this?

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Iwantmoney View Post
    I can list a number of scenarios where a person is not available or allowed to be at the table alongside someone else. How to prevent dishonesty in such team plays?

    1. They paid for the privilege of betting opportunity and you can’t stop them from coming while you are not there/sleeping

    2. The investor is not the bettor and the bettor can claim it is funny or not appropriate to have the investor sitting with him always together

    3. In other team play there are spotters, chair ownners, counters, and big bettor . In such cases their timing is also such that the investor cannot always be together. And at times when the bettor comes himself won’t we have to take his word for it?

    In top of running away with the money? Like you can search the p2p forum poker in Cambodia someone ran away with the money?

    So how to prevent this?

    There are some common sense measures such as basic psychological profiling which will deal with the more obviously dishonest people. I've noticed very few AP teams even bother with that: they want to talk about indices and drills etc and other geeky stuff which isn't even close to being as important.

    In general there isn't really a method for completely eliminating the possibility of a dedicated and committed sociopath getting on the team. Such people are disproportionately attracted to a situation where they can steal money with impunity. Then there are just financially desperate people...people with a grudge etc...

    As with business you often need people from family, friendship groups or some other unit where ripping off the bank would have major consequences they couldn't just walk away from. By and large training randoms does not work mathematically. There are just way too many people who aren't honest for it to fly. (I'm aware some blackjack teams have been successful-but you would expect that given there is likely a very large cemetery bf dead teams no one knows about. Even with the successful teams the amounts revealed publicly tend not to be that impressive).

  3. #3

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    Colin Jones (of Blackjack Apprenticeship fame) has a documentary movie called "Holy Rollers" where they get into this. They said they operated completely on trust, because they were all Christians, not to skim off the bankroll while falsely reporting loss sessions. However, once the team got too big they started hiring non-Christians, and some team members weren't happy about this and felt the trust culture was damaged. The team had a huge downswing that could not reasonably be explained by bad variance. One guy in particular they suspected of stealing, so they kicked him off the team (along with other members who just were not good enough to play winning blackjack).

  4. #4
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    Please, no mentions of religious bigotry here.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by McSweeney View Post
    Colin Jones (of Blackjack Apprenticeship fame) has a documentary movie called "Holy Rollers" where they get into this. They said they operated completely on trust, because they were all Christians, not to skim off the bankroll while falsely reporting loss sessions. However, once the team got too big they started hiring non-Christians, and some team members weren't happy about this and felt the trust culture was damaged. The team had a huge downswing that could not reasonably be explained by bad variance. One guy in particular they suspected of stealing, so they kicked him off the team (along with other members who just were not good enough to play winning blackjack).
    Problem solved OP! Only work with Christians and there will be no dishonesty. That Holy Rollers documentary was so cringey I don't think I made it past 30 mins before tunring it off.

  6. #6

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    Regarding Colin team and managing it, there's an old saying:
    Those who can, do; those who can't teach.

    Regarding how not to be cheated - the only way to be sure is play solo.

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by 21forme View Post
    Regarding Colin team and managing it, there's an old saying:
    Those who can, do; those who can't teach.

    Regarding how not to be cheated - the only way to be sure is play solo.
    I very much prefer to being a solo artist. I have no desire to being “managed” and told what to do. Now, to collaborate on different issues - that’s a different story.

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by UncleChoo View Post
    That Holy Rollers documentary was so cringey I don't think I made it past 30 mins before tunring it off.
    Here is a short video about the Church Team explaining their rise and fall:

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by UncleChoo View Post
    Problem solved OP! Only work with Christians and there will be no dishonesty.
    I don't think the issue is about Christianity or the religious aspect. It could have just as easily been an atheist group or a Marxist debating society, or any kind of shared belief system.

    The point is that the members would have something to lose from ripping off the bank, and some kind of moral code which would cause them unpleasant cognitive dissonance if they transgressed.

    This doesn't eliminate dishonesty: members of religious groups and other belief systems such as humanists often display immoral behavior. The point is that this is less likely. This should be obvious. There is a reason why you get things like family businesses. There's a trade-off between meritocracy and honesty obviously.

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