First off, THIS IS AWESOME INFORMATION! YES! I'm so excited to start practicing at home now with everything you guys have given me. I think it's a good start. And then further down the road I'm sure I will be looking into getting the software I keep hearing about.
To answer your questions, 5 is equal to 1.5. I don't double. And yes when I say proficient, I mean at counting, clearly not at betting and determining my advantage.
I think you are right, that I stop the casino for awhile and practice at home. I think what killed me is I was playing around with oppositional betting, since Wonging wasn't an option, and I wasn't sticking to a structured betting system. For example, if TC was 2, I would play two hands at 20$ a hand. Then I would go back to one hand when TC was low. Because of limited tables where I go, if I wasn't playing two hands at the time someone wanted to join, I give up my second hand and always play one hand.
And my spread was too small. I was only doing $10-$50 (50 at 5) and in my experience TC rarely gets to 5. As far as bankroll, I go with $1,000.00.
Much respect and appreciation to you guys! I know this sounds corny, but I admire your knowledge, and that you are willing to take the time to help me with my game means so much!