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Thread: Help!

  1. #1

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    I've been on this site many, many times reading and now finally joined, so I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. I need some advice.

    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I use Wongs Halves, and the illustrious 18/Fab4 indices. Table conditions are 6 deck, late surrender, dealer hits soft 17, and it's supposed to be a 2.5 deck penetration, but depending on the dealer it could be 1.5. Wonging is impossible because there aren't many tables open where I play. All the tables are usually full. So I play minimum bet when count is negative, and also when I don't have the advantage. (Min. Bet 10$) I'll do 20$ when count is 2, 30$, when count is 3...etc. etc.
    My problem is when count is high and I bet more I don't win as much. In fact that's when I notice a significant loss.
    I am going to look for other games, different casinos with better penetration. Right now I do TC with whole decks. Should I start practicing using half decks?
    And I know I am betting small. Am I not playing enough hours to see a profit? I am a single mom, I want to make sure I have a good system before I start going big.
    There seems to be so many experienced players here and when I read through the posts I learn an abundant amount of information, each with different opinions, it makes my head spin. I play at home and play around with betting as well. I'm open to learning a new count or a side count. Any advice would be appreciated.... Am I doing something wrong? How can I play a better game? I've read black belt in blackjack and also professional blackjack, but lost it. ????
    Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I do know about the Kelly betting, haven't incorporated that yet. I wouldn't do the full, I would do like Arnold Snyder suggests in his book. Is that worth figuring out. I have a lot of respect for a lot member on here just by reading a lot of your posts and responses, so I would be highly appreciative of some advice or tips!

  2. #2

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    Wong Halves is an excellent shoe system. It’s okay to play low stakes - consider it as tuition cost. I assume double after split as well - house edge about .5. Of course, you made no mention on ace splitting. Assume other splits to 4 hands.

    I would determine exact edge further understanding that deck penetration and table population will affect your $ win rate - one-off the pitfalls of low stakes. At your level, you picked the right books - if you lost one or both, then reaquire and reread.

    Once house edge is more definitively determined, then we can fix your ramp which is currently not optimal (old style ramping). Learn the basics cold and once done, I can define a method of ramping based on a tighter definition of true co7nt (half true counts).

    Doesn’t seem that you’re in a hurry and more interested in solidifying your game - which is a good thing. Last, better deck penetration will affect makes up for a lot of casino transgressions.

  3. #3

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    I was so excited you responded. Thank you!

    Yes ace splitting and can split four times.

    I looked up table conditions in the Snyder profit table and they are rated below 50. There are two more casinos I am going to check out eventually and see what their deck penetration is like. I know they have the same rules as the one I play now.

    And I'm going to start practicing my true count with half decks.

    But how do I determine exact edge/house edge? Are you suggesting Snyder's true edge?

    I appreciate your help so much!

  4. #4

    1 out of 1 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    You will want to get Norm's software, especially CVCX (Casino Verite Chapter 10), which was used to produce all of the charts in Chapter 10 of BJA3. They will not only give you the exact edge for your game, but also the hourly win rate, based on the level of ROR that you'll be comfortable with.

    Finally, although I know it's frustrating, you cannot draw any conclusions whatsoever from your personal results. There is no mathematical reason to "bet more and not win as much," except for variance, which is your partner in all of your BJ-playing ventures. Eventually, if you play correctly, you will win what you're entitled to win. But your ride will be a roller coaster and not a smooth straight line higher. You have to accept that this is the nature of the game.

    Good luck to you!


  5. #5

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    And I'm going to start practicing my true count with half decks.
    Not yet. Half deck resolution and half true counts are different things. Keep 8n mind that you are untested and therefor unproven. Learn to execute flawlessly the basics before exploring further.

    If by chance you know a competent halves player, have them audit your game for both strength and weakness. Failing that, a hi lo player will suffice. Halves is essentially hi lo on steroids. The indexes are mostly identical.

    For clarity, what is the value of the 5
    1.5 fractional value
    3.0 doubled halves

    This answer will determine how future queries will be answered.

  6. #6

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    I guess I don't understand. Are you asking me a question?
    Unfortunately I don't know anyone who counts cards. Which is why I came on here. I would say my game is on point. I started with Wongs Halves. I practiced two hours a day for two years straight, then finally went to casinos with it. I'm pretty confident in calculating true count based on whole deck and using the ill18 and fab 4, but I know I'm not doing something right. And besides the game conditions, I believe it's my betting. I know I'm ready to Learn more and improve my game, which is why I came on here. I was hoping you could point me in the right direction what the next steps would be. And Everytime I come in here, I realize I know nothing lol...compared to you guys. But I'm determined. I love the game. If you were me, what would your next steps be? See and I had no idea half deck resolution is different than half true counts. I thought if I divided my rc by number of half decks in the shoe remaining I would get a more accurate true count. I have a lot to learn. But I am proficient with halves. At one point I tried switching to high low, but my brain kept counting in halves. It's just engrained in me.
    I have so much respect for your knowledge of the game. I've read a lot of your posts for quite some time.
    If you could guide me in the right direction of what to work on next to improve my game, it would be so much appreciated!

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by MsBlakJak View Post
    I guess I don't understand. Are you asking me a question?
    If you are referring to Freightman, he wants to know how you are counting the 5. Is it 1.5 or 3? See, some players double the tags on halves because they do not want to mess with decimals. So the tags (from Ace to Tens) would be -2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2 instead of -1, .5, 1, 1, 1.5, 1, .5, 0, -.5, -1.

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by MsBlakJak View Post
    I would say my game is on point. I'm pretty confident in calculating true count based on whole deck and using the ill18 and fab 4, but I know I'm not doing something right. And besides the game conditions, I believe it's my betting.

    See and I had no idea half deck resolution is different than half true counts. I thought if I divided my rc by number of half decks in the shoe remaining I would get a more accurate true count.
    The parts that I bolded sound contradictory. I take it though to mean you are proficient at the actual counting, but NOT proficient in how much to bet. If that's the case, STOP going to the casino and practice at home again. If you are not sure your are betting correctly, you may be playing a losing game.

    It's best to use Norm's software as Don indicated. You will find out very quickly if betting is your problem.

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by marriedputter View Post
    If you are referring to Freightman, he wants to know how you are counting the 5. Is it 1.5 or 3? See, some players double the tags on halves because they do not want to mess with decimals. So the tags (from Ace to Tens) would be -2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2 instead of -1, .5, 1, 1, 1.5, 1, .5, 0, -.5, -1.
    Further, the index values shown in Wong’s Professional Blackjack don’t need to doubled if using fractional values. You mentioned that you’re “ready”. Okay, let’s assume (need to verify) that house edge is .5. This means (using fractional values) you will be even with the house at true +1. Depending on your bankroll and your tolerance to risk, you will either retain your $10 bet, or bet $20 (simply trading variance with the house), but will follow the increase in bets below with $10 as your +1 true bet as well.

    <true 1 -$10
    true 1.0 - even with house bet $10 or $20
    true 2.0 - infinite gain 8n advantage over true 1. Your edge .5% - $20 ir $40
    true 3.0 - is double your edge over true 2 - double your true+1 bet and go to $40 or $80
    true 4.0 - is 50% greater edge than your true +3 - bet $60 or $120
    true 5.0 - is double your edge over true 3 - double true 3 bet in proportion $80 or $160.

    This approach in theory gives you an edge over the house similar to what CVCX will indicate. CVCX will also give you vital stats such as Risk of Ruin. This is your start. There’s so much more, but this is plenty for now.

    Half deck resolution is more for pitch games. Interpolate would be (my) preferred method to choose appropriate wagers between the whole number True count. Further you will notice a slight but definite difference between ramps shown on CVCX between whole true counts and half true counts.
    Last edited by Freightman; 12-08-2024 at 01:59 PM. Reason: Add last comment

  10. #10

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    As an afterthought, when using whole true counts CVCX will give you the wager for true 1, 2, 3 etc. understand that is the defined bet for everything between
    1.00 and 1.99
    2.00 and 2.99 etc.

    So, if 1.0 is even with the house, then 1.5 is an advantage over the house. CCCX should show an increased bet at the true 1 bucket, which is a distortion at true 1.0 - which is why half true counts or interpolation is of value.The added benefit is that the half true count bucket of 1.5 does not appear to be optimal by surveillance, thus is 1 factor in cover.

  11. #11
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freightman View Post
    As an afterthought, when using whole true counts CVCX will give you the wager for true 1, 2, 3 etc. understand that is the defined bet for everything between
    1.00 and 1.99
    2.00 and 2.99 etc.
    That depends on the settings. Although your point is true about half counts. CVCX sims are actually run by half true counts. You can switch between full and half counts after the sim.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  12. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    That depends on the settings. Although your point is true about half counts. CVCX sims are actually run by half true counts. You can switch between full and half counts after the sim.
    The salient point is that the ramps are different.

  13. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by MsBlakJak View Post
    So I play minimum bet when count is negative, and also when I don't have the advantage. (Min. Bet 10$) I'll do 20$ when count is 2, 30$, when count is 3...etc. etc.
    What is your max bet? If you are only spreading $10 to $50 (at TC +5) then your spread is too small . Also, what is the size of your bankroll? You may be playing at a high RoR.

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