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Thread: CVCX and Multiple Spot Question

  1. #1

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    CVCX and Multiple Spot Question

    Hello All,

    I am new to the forum and just purchased CVCX,CVDATA and CVBJ.

    I tried CVCX with the conditions listed on the Wizard's hilo page:

    Six decks
    Dealer stands on soft 17
    Surrender allowed
    Double after split allowed
    Player may resplit to four hands, including aces

    I added a 1 to 5 spread and 4.5/6 pen

    In CVCX I get an advantage of 0.627% instead of 0.300%, I'm not sure what I'm missing. Maybe because the bet amounts on the Wizard's chart are only changed after a win/loss? Would that make the difference of 0.327% ?

    Spread Penetration Index
    1 to 5 4 I18+F4 0.157% 1.50 1.35
    1 to 10 4 I18+F4 0.368% 2.04 1.57
    1 to 15 4 I18+F4 0.578% 2.67 1.73
    1 to 5 4.5 I18+F4 0.300% 1.60 1.41

    Also, in CVCX I see the option for two spots. Can I select 3 spots or more?

    I was in Vegas playing DD in their High Limit Room playing heads up spreading only 1-4 (hilo) across 1-2 spots (House adv was only 0.19%). I asked them about playing the whole table, they said sure. There was a quiet guy beside me at the next table playing with towers of $500 chips so they really weren't focused on me. I ended up staying with 2 spots but have some questions/thoughts on more spots:

    1. If playing all 7 spots does the BE change? For example if the TC is some positive number like +5 before the bets are placed, then by the time all 15 cards are out the TC could be wildly differefnt from +5. Where if one spot is played the TC would still be close to +5. If the BE does change than I think it would for 2 spots too (by a lower amount).

    2. Playing all 7 spots means you get 7/8 of the shoe so more hands per shoe as opposed to 1/2 of the shoe heads up. There would be more shuffles with 7 spots but it seems like the hands per hour would be a lot more. I did read on another post that it's the rounds per hour that count but I'm not sure why. Unless playing with all 7 spots would give you more pushes since they are tied to the same dealer hand. However, you would also get more naturals.

    Anyway, looking forward to this forum and the software


    Last edited by FlatBettor; 12-05-2024 at 08:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    There are rather a large number of options which would all have to be the same. I'd have to see a CVCX export (on the results screen, select Export, then the second export button, and email me the file) and a link to the Wizard's page.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlatBettor View Post
    Also, in CVCX I see the option for two spots. Can I select 3 spots or more?
    CVCX won't handle three or more spots. That requires CVData.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by FlatBettor View Post
    I was at Mandaly Bay recently playing DD in their High Limit Room playing heads up spreading only 1-4 (hilo) across 1-2 spots (House adv was only 0.19%). I asked them about playing the whole table, they said sure. There was a quiet guy beside me at the next table playing with towers of $500 chips so they really weren't focused on me.
    I'm telling you... Keep posting detailed information on open boards and you are done on your next visit there.
    G Man

  4. #4

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    agreed...I edited the original.


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