Actually, I have several algorithms, though none of them are perfect. Some are still under review. The best one is OPN, followed by CDP. With both algorithms, the result obtained is 0.38. None of them are automatic; that is, I have to specify whether I want SPL1, SPL2, or SPL3. Nonetheless, the 0.40 still piques my curiosity.
Yes, it's clear now.That's not quite what's happening. In the globally optimal approach, you explore all possibilities and compute the EV at the overall round level (that's why it's so slow). These possibilities include resplitting. So resplitting is explored and calculated but since it yields an overall lower round EVit's discarded. The 0.5271 value refers to the sub-scenario I mentioned earlier, where you calculate the EV specifically for resplitting when SplitHand1 is (10,10) and SplitHand2 is (10).