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Thread: Bullbets Casino Denies Player's withdrawal

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    Angry Bullbets Casino Denies Player's withdrawal

    As a Japanese online casino player, I'm seeking guidance on a frustrating issue with Bullsbet Casino. Despite winning €17,000, my withdrawal was rejected due to alleged multiple accounts. I've been a loyal online casino player for years, and this experience has left me feeling taken advantage of.

    The issue began when Bullsbet casino cited my IP, device details, and browser cookies as evidence of multiple accounts. However, I've only ever used my contracted home internet for this account. I've been cautious since a previous false accusation due to public Wi-Fi usage. Recently, Bullsbet experienced severe system errors, including wagering discrepancies, game access issues, and account lockouts.

    A friend in casino affiliates suggested that Bullsbet likely uses an in-house detection tool, which may be unreliable, especially for iPhone users like myself. Casino Guru, acting as an "independent investigator," backed Bullbet's claim without providing concrete evidence. This decision seems biased, and I'm concerned that Bullsbet may be using this tactic to avoid payouts.

    Worryingly, other players on forums have reported similar "multiple account" accusations and account lockouts. I'm seeking advice on how to appeal this decision or involve another authority. Specifically:

    1. Does Bullsbet use third-party account detection tools?
    2. How can I appeal or involve another authority?
    3. Are there industry connections willing to assist?

    I'm willing to pay a success fee for retrieval of my winnings. Any advice or moral support would be greatly appreciated. I hope sharing my story will caution others against potential unfair practices at Bullsbet Casino. Let's stand up for fair play.

  2. #2
    Senior Member moo321's Avatar
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    Nobody here is going to know anything about how an online casino detects cheating. You could file a complaint with their gaming commission. You could talk to a lawyer in Japan, but I doubt you're going to be able to sue them and enforce a judgment very easily.

    It's really hard to do anything about shady actions by online casinos if they're located in these offshore jurisdictions.
    The Cash Cow.

  3. #3

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    Thank you for your response moo321, I have now filed a complain with the Gambling Commission.


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