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Thread: How to find out why casino dont back me off.

  1. #1

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    How to find out why casino dont back me off.

    I have a spot ( actually 2 spots (sister casinos)).
    Almost every pb knows i am an ap, only few pays attention by half shoeing me. And if they are in another pit they dont care at all.
    But there is one pb no matter where he is if he saw me he will make sure i am half shoed( last time he half shoed every bj table in casino)
    I try to avoid him as much as i can but he pops from nowhere sometimes ( he is not in surveillence).
    When he half shoe me he always make a call and looks on his face clearly says that he is trying to convince someone to back me off or tresspass me but his boss is not approving him for some reason.
    One time i was wearing a pretty good disguise even the servers did not recognize me, he wasnt there so i decided to stay i was facing wall drinking my coffee ( waiting for new shoe) and all of a sudden this guy is standing 5 feet next to me staring at my face trying to figure out if its me or not and then i heard him saying to another pb that i am not sure but he looks exactly like that guy and half shoed all table before i started playing.
    I am pretty sure he is the one who flyred me to another casino which is not sister casino where i sat down and got backed off before any buy in. If they can back me off why dont this casino back me off, how can i find out.
    Only reason i am curious to know is as colin mentioned in one of his videos that they went to one casino which had some kind of threshold limit like100k before they back off someone.
    Most of the times i get half shoed is because of this guy otherwise they let me play.

  2. #2

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    I find this very interesting. On the 1 hand, the non backoff may be as simple as the house does not see you as a threat and are prepared to let you continue and to allow variance to break you. Or, you have not reached house tolerance level. Or, in conjunction with first point, you have been expertly evaluated early on and not viewed as a competent threat (in which case a more thorough review of several sessions may confirm earlier observations though now revising earlier conclusions and now surmising your excellent camouflage.

    I am cursed with a particular critter acting much like your particular hemorrhoid. Said poop chute sore stalked me at another store some years back taking exception to a particular long term odyssey of house excessive contribution to my personal relief fund and campaigning for my removal at his now new store. For whatever reason(s), I continue to march onward with the 600 into the valley of death changing the course of history savouring victory after victory, destroying the will of the Cossack hordes. Or, perhaps, the hordes truly desire to understand the magnificence of advanced thought in progress.

  3. #3

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    Yeah, this really is pretty interesting. Excepting for some super-friendly floor person spilling the beans over drinks I don't think you will truly get to know for sure. Threshold total win seems a valid theory. You do seem to have some clues based on what you overheard. They have decided you are not a threat somehow and this guy can't convince them that he should be allowed to give you the boot

    This dude running around half-shoeing the entire casino is absolutely hilarious. 100% chance he is costing his casino money by doing that and doesn't realize it and potentially others who work there don't understand that either I guess. Even with ASM machines, changing the cards that much more frequently takes time and costs them hands per hour as well as some annoyance from the players I would assume.

    Also possible their evaluation and skills check of you was poorly done by somebody who didn't really know what he's doing. Could even be something as simple as a guy who doesn't know how deviations work and saw you hit on a 12 vs. 4 and determined you must be an idiot because that is the incorrect play. Something like that.
    Last edited by Sidecount; 10-06-2024 at 09:51 PM.

  4. #4

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    this was my first casino where i started my ap journey. i might have made few mistakes in my starting sessions. may be they never ran my game down after that.
    so they dont see me as a threat and this guy probably taking my play on a personal level as other AP'S i talk to usually dont recieve much heat from this pb. i remember he used to point me out every chance he gets. i just trying to avoid this guy like plaque lets see how far i can stretch my play.

  5. #5
    Senior Member moo321's Avatar
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    Is this is New Jersey or Missouri?
    The Cash Cow.

  6. #6

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    no it is canadian casino

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackjack player View Post
    no it is canadian casino
    What Province? I’ve had experiences in several Provinces. May be able to give you some insight.

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackjack player View Post
    Played there a few years ago, staying near the airport (getting to and from with their airport shuttle) using Uber to get around town. It was freezing winter weather and using Uber was cheaper than the high car rental rates and further, I didn’t need to warm up the car or risk the insurance liability.

    That being said, if I recall, their 6 deck game was 4.5/6 without surrender. They don’t really want to back you off for counting preferring to use some other excuse (if you provide them one). Those particular stores were beat up a few years ago by some out of town team beating them up on their dd games (when they had them, don’t know if they still do) and they are still a bit gun shy. I don’t think they’re dumb enough to really consider booting you unless they really perceive you as a threat. That means a really strong game with a well funded bankroll. They believe the no surrender game with its associated higher edge game will throttle you at some point. Give your stalker the gift of Preparation H and tell him to chill out. As for my poop chute sore, I told him he was ugly

  9. #9

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    Yeah you are right worst rules.
    Some dealers even cut 2 decks and dd
    Is still offered with centre cut and if they notice you are card counter they wont let you play more than 2 hands of 200 if min is 50$ at start of game.

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