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Thread: Buy in

  1. #1

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    Buy in

    Does Bringing chips to the table from last session gets less heat than buying in again and again while lossing big bets in high counts????
    Or does buying in more and more makes u look like a gambler.
    But sometimes its last few hands of the shoe and u buy in for like 5 max bets and then at the new shoe i place 10$$ min.

  2. #2

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    They are trained to closely watch cash buy-ins. One reason is they want to ensure they are accurately rating players. They are also concerned about treasury regulations that require them to get your information for total cash transactions of $10,000. This doesn't apply to chips, so they don't watch chips as closely. This is why professionals like to keep chip inventories, so they can just jump in a game and not get harassed about using a player's card.

    On the other hand, if you're trying to "beat them with the card" then you want to buy-in cash. It makes you look like a profitable customer.
    The Cash Cow.


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