I've been using MGP's BJ CA for many years, I suspect the Charlie strategy generated is not accurate.
Rules: 2 decks, S17, No double, No split, No Surrender, BJ pays 1:1, 6-card Charlie.
bj rule.jpg
Exceptions > N Card Hands: 12 total v 4 upcard, it shows 5-Card H12 v 4 H.
Exceptions page.jpg
However, I think the correct play for 4-Card H12 v 4 should be hit.
Analysis > Individual hands: 4-Card H12 v 4, all 15 combinations show Hit has better EV than Stand
15 individual hands.jpg
I send "5-Card H12 v 4 H" to the Forced Rules, the Forced Strategy Net EV shows -4.40021387454925%. Then I manually add "4-Card H12 v 4H" to the Forced Rules, the Forced Strategy Net EV shows -4.40068284510525%, which is worse than only having the "5-Card H12 v 4 H" added.
What's the correct Charlie strategy for 12 v 4 under this rule? Is the software wrong or am I doing it incorrectly?