What exactly is the half-point support? When i tag the 10's at -2.75 it defaults to 2.8..Also the negative indexes i generate seem to double what they should be..The positive indexes seem correct..
I see where you can tags the 10's by color but unfortunately NOT by suit..The reason being is, is because i could tags the X's @-2.75 if by suit were an option..As well as if i could tag the Tens individually...
Im only hoping now that the Tens will be tagged at -2.5 each(-2 for red tens and -3 black) since i dont feel -2.75 is possible since suit and individual Ten Tag values are not an option...Is that the case here?
Note of course, i would find it much easier to count the 10,J at -2 and Q,K at -3 to get the -2.5 Avg. value rather than use of color..