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Thread: Half Point Support

  1. #1

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    Half Point Support

    What exactly is the half-point support? When i tag the 10's at -2.75 it defaults to 2.8..Also the negative indexes i generate seem to double what they should be..The positive indexes seem correct..

    I see where you can tags the 10's by color but unfortunately NOT by suit..The reason being is, is because i could tags the X's @-2.75 if by suit were an option..As well as if i could tag the Tens individually...

    Im only hoping now that the Tens will be tagged at -2.5 each(-2 for red tens and -3 black) since i dont feel -2.75 is possible since suit and individual Ten Tag values are not an option...Is that the case here?

    Note of course, i would find it much easier to count the 10,J at -2 and Q,K at -3 to get the -2.5 Avg. value rather than use of color..
    Last edited by One2Many; 09-03-2024 at 04:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    What software and why are you using indices to that level of accuracy? Email me at [email protected].
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    What software and why are you using indices to that level of accuracy? Email me at [email protected].

    I am using CVData 5..

    In a nut shell i am wanting to sim a particular counting system(1223210-1-2.5) Ace Neutral.

    But since you cant realisticlly count face-cards at -2.5 each im looking for the next best alternative..

    1)Either by counting face-cards -2 each for red and -3 each for black for an average of -2.5..


    2) K,J,Q -3 and 10-1


    3) K,Q -3 and J,10 -2

    So i was just curious as to what CVdata can or cant handle..

    If i select "half-point support" and tag the 10 values @ -2.5 the index gen seems to be erratic...But i was just curious/wondering if this was the only option to tagging face-cards @ -2.5 each?

    For example when i tagged them by color (-2 for red face cards and -3 for black face-cards will this give me the average value of -2.5 each? And does half-p0int support need to be checked as well as by color?
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  4. #4
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by One2Many View Post
    For example when i tagged them by color (-2 for red face cards and -3 for black face-cards will this give me the average value of -2.5 each? And does half-p0int support need to be checked as well as by color?
    Yes that will work and no you do not select half point support for this. Or, select -2.5 for tens in which case you would select half point support.

    I would add that tens at -2.5 would be difficult to count because you would lose the ability to cancel high and low cards.
    Last edited by Norm; 09-03-2024 at 06:14 AM.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    Yes that will work and no you do not select half point support for this. Or, select -2.5 for tens in which case you would select half point support.

    I would add that tens at -2.5 would be difficult to count because you would lose the ability to cancel high and low cards.

    Yes, i would have to agree with ya there Thats why i would tag them at -2 for red and -3 for black or alternatively count the 10,J @ -2 and Q,K @-3..

    That being said i still cant get CVdata to generate accurate indexes when using the "separate by color method"...

    Note however that when tagging the 10s @ -2.5 each and using the "half point support" i CAN generate accurate indexes.

    However with the SAME settings/parameters I cannot get CVdata to generate (duplicate) accurate indexes when using the "separate by color method" with virtually the same count.. Am i doing something wrong?

    Here are two snapshots..

    The Half Point support generates accurate indexes but the "separate by color" method does NOT even though they are the same count...They are far off and erratic..
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  6. #6
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    You can send me a Tools-Export file.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

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