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Thread: How is trip risk calculated?

  1. #1

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    How is trip risk calculated?

    I'm curious what the equation is for calculating the risk, given a certain amount of hours played, of losing your trip bank. I assume some inputs will be the SD, N0, and EV of the game, and perhaps the overall ROR with unlimited play, but as I said I don't know the equation. Thanks

  2. #2

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    BJA3, pp. 132-134.


  3. #3

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    The only question I still have then is how to write out this cumulative normal distribution formula - N()? I see you've shown some results in the tables at the end of the chapter, but I still do not know what the formula is? Thanks. Sorry for my ignorance - I'm more of an applicator than a deriver.

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by autonymity View Post
    The only question I still have then is how to write out this cumulative normal distribution formula - N()? I see you've shown some results in the tables at the end of the chapter, but I still do not know what the formula is? Thanks. Sorry for my ignorance - I'm more of an applicator than a deriver.

    The formula for the cumulative normal distribution formula N() is shown in Wikipedia at

    If instead you are asking how to calculate it, use Microsoft Excel's NORM.S.DIST function. For example, on page 134 for the 200-unit bankroll Don shows N(-1.48) to be 0.0694. In Excel, the formula "=NORM.S.DIST(-1.48,1)" returns a value of 0.0694366...

    Note that this NORM.S.DIST function was introduced in Excel 2010. If your version is older, the function name is spelled without periods: NORMSDIST(-1.48).

    Hope this helps!

    Dog Hand

  5. #5
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    autonymity, in Excel, =NORM.S.DIST(-1.48,0) gives you normal distribution and =NORM.S.DIST(-1.48,1) gives you cumulative normal distribution. Normal distribution is simple to calculate. Cumulative normal distribution is a calculus problem as it calculates area under a curve and requires either use of a Taylor series or an approximation technique. CVData/CVCX uses an approximation technique which gives an answer of .0694366233333317.
    Last edited by Norm; 08-18-2024 at 11:14 AM.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by autonymity View Post
    The only question I still have then is how to write out this cumulative normal distribution formula - N()? I see you've shown some results in the tables at the end of the chapter, but I still do not know what the formula is? Thanks. Sorry for my ignorance - I'm more of an applicator than a deriver.
    The formula appears towards the bottom of page 132.


  7. #7

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    Ah, I see you're looking for the cumulative normal used in the p. 132 formula. Try pages 147-48.


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