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Thread: More dufficult to use & why?

  1. #1
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    More dufficult to use & why?

    Question I have been pondering---between Zen & Felt, been using zen for years, getting older and considering changing.
    Thanks for responding.

  2. #2
    Senior Member moo321's Avatar
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    Depends on a few factors. What games you're playing, betting spread, how many indexes you plan to use. More indexes tilts things toward Zen with it's higher playing efficiency. A bigger spread, wonging out, and wonging in will tilt towards FELT.

    If you're serious about playing, and you're using a proper, aggressive spread, FELT with a full set of indexes should be somewhat more powerful for the modern game.

    But you'd do almost as well to just learn full indexes for Zen. It's not going to be a 10% difference between either of these counts.
    The Cash Cow.


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