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Thread: Need info on Mohegan Sun Wilkes-Barre and Wind Creek blackjack

  1. #1

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    Need info on Mohegan Sun Wilkes-Barre and Wind Creek blackjack


    I might be making a trip in the near future to the area and was wondering what to expect as to penetration, heat and possibly getting a comped room.

    I have a CBJN from last august that says 1.7 penetration on the 6 deck game at Mohegan and 1.5 at Wind Creek. Can you find better pen at these places?

    Also wondering about how easy it is to get a comped room. Id be spreading $10 or $15 to 2 hands of $75 if possible.

    Thanks in advance for any info.

    If anyone needs info on Rivers in Schenectady or Mohegan Sun or Foxwoods in Ct I can help.

    Cadman 376

  2. #2

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    Need info on Mohegan Sun Wilkes-Barre and Wind Creek blackjack

    Quote Originally Posted by Cadman376 View Post

    I might be making a trip in the near future to the area and was wondering what to expect as to penetration, heat and possibly getting a comped room.

    I have a CBJN from last august that says 1.7 penetration on the 6 deck game at Mohegan and 1.5 at Wind Creek. Can you find better pen at these places?

    Also wondering about how easy it is to get a comped room. Id be spreading $10 or $15 to 2 hands of $75 if possible.

    Thanks in advance for any info.

    If anyone needs info on Rivers in Schenectady or Mohegan Sun or Foxwoods in Ct I can help.

    Cadman 376
    I am partial to Wind. It’s bigger, I also feel I blend in better. A lot of Asians. If you think you can get on 6 decks with 10-15 min, you’d be disappointed. Most tables with low limits are 8 decks. Table are crowded, they don’t open the other pit (25+) until later in the day. Sometimes only 1 table at a time. A lot of trainees, just like some other places in Pa.

    I like Mohegan better than Mt. Airy. But both are smaller than Wind Creek. I think most of their tables are 6 decks. I didn’t take good notes there, haven’t been in 8 months. For a while they were smoke free, that was the biggest draw for me there.

    In general, PAs condition is probably better than CT with all S17.

    If you are here a for while, Parx and Mt. Airy are sort of close too.

    Or you can go to Morgantown, where one of the dealer may or may not be a member here.

    Good cards. Keep us updated as to how you did and if any differences than what I saw before.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Hsiaodi; 09-27-2023 at 08:21 AM.

  3. #3

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    Need info on Mohegan Sun Wilkes-Barre and Wind Creek blackjack

    Thanks for the info.

    Are you saying $10 tables are available on the 8 deck games at both places?

    Can you find better penetration than what I listed?

    My girlfriend is reluctant to go to Mohegan after reading several terrible revues online. Is the hotel as bad as they said it was?

    I'm leaning toward Mohegan because I have over 1000 momentum points that I can use there from Ct.

    Do either places offer comped rooms for playing either BJ or poker?

    Thanks again for any more info,
    Last edited by Cadman376; 09-29-2023 at 09:09 AM.

  4. #4

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    Are you saying $10 tables are available on the 8 deck games at both places?
    - I am saying there are more tables in general at Wind Creek. But the chance of you sitting at a 6 deck table, is higher at Mohegan

    Can you find better penetration than what I listed?
    Yes. Dealer dependent.

    My girlfriend is reluctant to go to Mohegan after reading several terrible revues online. Is the hotel as bad as they said it was? Don’t know. Didn’t stay.

    I'm leaning toward Mohegan because I have over 1000 momentum points that I can use there from Ct. not a bad choice. Wind has shopping around, not sure what’s around Mohegan

    Do either places offer comped rooms for playing either BJ or poker? Don’t know.
    Thanks again for any more info,

    Good luck.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5

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    Need info on Mohegan Sun Wilkes-Barre and Wind Creek blackjack

    Thanks again for your reply.

  6. #6

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    Did you go this weekend?
    Let us know how it went.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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