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Thread: Using a 1-12 bet spread

  1. #1

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    Using a 1-12 bet spread

    If I'm using a 1-12 bs and my min is 10 max is 120, is it ok to only have 4-5 progressions? Like 10,25,75,120? Or does that kill EV and the more progressions the better?

  2. #2
    Senior Member BigJer's Avatar
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    In your soul.

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    I'm assuming the $10 bet is for TC=0. So you might have to consider an additional bet above the $120: @TC>4. And the wider your bet spread the more EV. Anyways, I would put a narrower bs to take care of the higher TCs.
    My Ability in Blackjack is a Gift from God!!

  3. #3

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    Yeah so the progression would be 10,25,75,120 for TCs <=1, 2-3, 4-5, and 6+.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I've had two places where I was OK with a 10x spread but when I upped it to 15 they backed me off. I've also been told by one of the shift managers at the casino I work at that 12x is the trigger point where they take notice.

  5. #5

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    Can you explain in more detail how this works?

  6. #6

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    so they let you bet 10x for a while thats good how much deck penetration do you get?

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