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Thread: NEW Card Counting System! (CAC2 + CAC2 Enhanced)

  1. #1

    5 out of 5 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No

    NEW Card Counting System! (CAC2 + CAC2 Enhanced)

    Dear All,

    I am excited to share with you the birth of a revolutionary new card counting system. After growing tired of the same
    old systems, I have dedicated years of research to developing a simple, yet powerful system that surpasses all known
    ace-reckoned and balanced systems in terms of SCORE. In collaboration with Zenfighter, we have created a new approach
    for calculating Playing Efficiency (PE) and Betting Efficiency (BE), as the existing methods were based on single deck and
    less relevant plays in today’s blackjack landscape. Our focus has always been on shoes, as they are the most common
    scenario in modern blackjack games.

    During my research, I stumbled upon new tags with PE values that exceeded those of existing systems. I continued to push
    further, conducting hundreds of simulations to compare the SCOREs of each system, ultimately discovering a groundbreaking
    level-2 system that outperforms almost all commonly used systems, not only in 6D but also in 2D games. I have given the name
    CAC2 to this system, and it exhibits superior performance compared to other systems such as Zen, Halves, UAPC, RPC, EBJ2, RAPC,
    various level-3 and level-4 systems, and of course, all level-1 systems.

    To provide a ranking based on the most common game conditions (6D, S17, DOA, DAS, SPA1, SPL3, NS, 4.5/6), I used the
    top 22 indices (R22) that generate the highest SCORE for a counting system. These R22 indices are a modified version of the
    well-known Catch-22 (C22) indices discussed in Don Schlesinger's book, Blackjack Attack, third edition. The only change I made
    in the R22 is replacing 10vT with TTv4, which results in a better SCORE for most card counting systems.

    I am thrilled to present CAC2 as a significant advancement based on much more accurate EORs than those used in the past,
    which has allowed me to discover more relevant tags for modern play.
    Naturally, before offering the system for sale, it underwent
    independent verification by renowned blackjack experts, including Norman Wattenberger. The table below was verified by him,
    and the results are as follows:


    Kindly note that the tags employed in the CAC2 system are not publicly accessible. This system is exclusively sold through
    Norm's website, which offers comprehensive statistics, comparisons, indices, betting ramps, and other relevant information.
    If you are interested in upgrading your current counting system to a more robust one, feel free to contact Norm for pricing details.
    In addition, if you acquire CAC2 and already utilize Casino Vérité (CV), Norm may provide you with a special download that includes
    all the necessary indices to complement CV. For those who opt to explore this novel counting system,
    I assure you that you will not be dissatisfied.

    I genuinely hope that you relish this new experience.

    Last edited by Cacarulo; 10-06-2023 at 02:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Much has occurred in the blackjack world since Dr. Edward Thorp got the ball rolling with Beat the Dealer over a half century ago; and Dr. Peter Griffin released his deep dive into the math with The Theory of Blackjack. Many researchers since have built upon the shoulders of these giants with many improvements. But, neither has the game stood still. As the game changes, it is up to the loyal opposition, the advantage players, to keep pace. Most everyone who has been in the field for a significant period knows of Cacarulo’s excellent research in the field. In this effort, the assumptions and conclusions of the past have been revisited based on the game as it exists today. Combining this new research with the advantages of far faster computers and modern computational techniques, a superior strategy is constructed, which is offered for sale here.

    The price is $100. An early bird price of $90 will be in place until August 1. The strategy can be purchased from the QFIT catalog at: CAC2 Strategy.
    Last edited by Norm; 06-29-2023 at 07:21 PM.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  3. #3

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    Interesting Cac! What's the insurance correlation?

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by Secretariat View Post
    Interesting Cac! What's the insurance correlation?
    The system has the highest playing efficiency for a balanced level 2 system without any side count, and obviously Insurance is part of that efficiency.
    The correlation is quite high, between 0.85 and 0.90. But that's not the most important thing. There are other concepts explained in the document
    that contribute to this system having one of the highest SCOREs among its closest competitors.


  5. #5
    Senior Member Gramazeka's Avatar
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    I was very surprised how a system with a very high PE, at the level of a LIMA system ( PE ), and at the same time a fairly low BC, beats HALVES in games with a shoes. Very interesting research and discovery!
    Last edited by Gramazeka; 06-30-2023 at 11:51 AM.
    "Don't Cast Your Pearls Before Swine" (Jesus)

  6. #6

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    Very interesting and cool. Probably a dumb question, but when you’re saying it’s “ simple”, you mean that it’s easy in comparison with other level two counts? I would imagine it’s still more difficult to learn than high-low, KO and other counts?

  7. #7

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    CUrious why you chose S17 for your sims, as S17 games are rare nowadays, except in PA and some HL rooms.

  8. #8
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Not speaking for Cac. But, that's been the standard for sims for decades.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northbend View Post
    Very interesting and cool. Probably a dumb question, but when you’re saying it’s “ simple”, you mean that it’s easy in comparison with other level two counts? I would imagine it’s still more difficult to learn than high-low, KO and other counts?
    Correct, I mean that it is easier compared to other level two counts, although slightly more difficult than Hi-Lo. The trade-off is that the difference in SCOREs is much better.


  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by 21forme View Post
    CUrious why you chose S17 for your sims, as S17 games are rare nowadays, except in PA and some HL rooms.
    I not only made comparisons for 6D, S17, but I also made them for 2D, H17. The document shows these comparisons. What's interesting is that the ranking remains the same.


  11. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gramazeka View Post
    I was very surprised how a system with a very high PE, at the level of a LIMA system ( PE ), and at the same time a fairly low BC, beats HALVES in games with a shoes. Very interesting research and discovery!
    Thank you Gramazeka!


  12. #12

    1 out of 1 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    And how many years do you think the tags will remain "secret" ?
    Can't believe people are doing this in 2023, I am flabbergasted.
    G Man

  13. #13

    1 out of 1 members found this post helpful. Did you find this post helpful? Yes | No
    I've played around with it a bit and it does show some improvement over what I currently use (FELT). For a new player, I'd definitely recommend using this system over any other Level 2 out there currently, but, for those that are already playing, the million dollar question is the same as always, is it worth the time and effort to make a switch? Just going by looking at SCORE increase and hourly I'm not so sure. But I also wanted to pick Cacarulo's brain a bit about some of the intangibles.

    The logic, at least what I've read over the years, has trended toward placing a higher importance on betting correlation due to shoe games being more and more prevalent as well as larger spreads needed to beat games. This count seems to fly in the face of that somewhat, placing a higher emphasis on playing efficiency.

    1. Is there a trend you are seeing in blackjack games that led you to start exploring increases in PE?
    2. Do you see a shift toward smaller bet spreads being required for cover purposes?
    3. Do you think casinos will be moving back toward pitch games for some reason?
    4. Does this translate any better/worse into other advantage plays shuffle tracking etc?

    Edit: Just wanted to come back and edit for people who may come read this in the future. My original post was underestimating the gain in score seen using CAC2. It's pretty impressive!
    Last edited by imported_Deathclutch; 07-01-2023 at 07:49 PM.

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