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Thread: Full time job, part time Blackjack training!

  1. #1

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    Full time job, part time Blackjack training!

    Practice, practice, practice! Focus, focus, focus! These words which many of you have heard many times before are circling in my brain like a school of sharks. Not to mention what I have learned during my training. But this is what comes with learning massive amounts of info and processing it quickly. Even though it is tiresome both physically and mentally I'm wanting it so bad that giving up is not an option. Changes in life will always occur! It is the changes that we strive for and work hard to achieve that define us. I'm thankful to be here amongst other players that have years of experience, and the ones like me that do not.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    May 2022
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    Well for offline BJ, I would say: you should be able to tell Basic Strategy in your sleep for the rules you wish to play agains. Then be able to talk and act naturaly and always can tell the running count. What I have seen , the most suscesfull blackjack players, seem cheerfull and low maintance around the tables, not looking like robots. Also if you are starting, its good to have someone to check your game, if you are ready. Good luck, beat the casinos

  3. #3

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    Thanks Zabut

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