The membership has voted to disallow posting under multiple member names. Not a surprise given the resulting abuses seen elsewhere. So, we will not allow the use of multiple names by the same person. However, some members have expressed the need for an occasional anonymous post. Therefore, a new mechanism has been added – Post Anonymizer.
If a need arises to make an anonymous post or to start an anonymous thread, simply check the "Anonymous Post" option in the Miscellaneous Options box. If you are replying to a thread, you will need to hit the Go Advanced button to see these options. The post will be made, but your name will be hidden. For a sample of such a post, go to Sample.
The feature can also be used for comments on the AP News page and Blogs by hitting Go Advanced. You must have been a member for five days and have made five posts before using the feature.
Note: Although the membership cannot determine the member making the post, all such posts are logged and the admin can determine who made the post. This feature should only be used in the rare cases where posting information can be used to identify you. Under no circumstances should it be used for personal attacks or trolling. Such abuse would be considered reason for a ban.