The only simple method I'd have to use TC based on game pen is to use the TC at pen/2. Additionally since I use RC after player hand is dealt but before up card the TC is for pen/2 - 1. I do this because that's how my CA works. So for 6 decks dealt 4.5/6 = 234/312 I might approximate TC at 234/2 - 1 = 116 cards.
I think this might be better for more decks. If I use this method to compute generic insurance assuming deal to last card (HiLo) to get an example for comparison -
single deck, TC=1.39 with 25 cards remaining
8 decks, TC=3.10 with 207 cards remaining
Above insurance TC is computed without specifically removing an ace, then incorporating ace into RC before computing TC.
It may not be perfect but it is relatively simple. I would be worried that if I tried to weight TCs across differing cards remaining I might be in danger of falling off the edge of the earth.