I won't even TRY to explain what this topic is about. But it's one of those things where reality is way more fascinating than any fiction could be, and it only has to do with how everything in the universe works. This classic lecture by Richard Feynman is a great introduction to the weirdness of quantum mechanics and the double slit experiment. Nobody explains it like he can, and this lecture holds up very well after many decades. I've watched it 3 times and it never stops getting really weird.

This cartoon by "Dr. Quantum" is the best short video of the same concept as the Feynman lecture

Two 15 minute episodes of the show PBS Spacetime, "The Quantum Experiment that Broke Reality" and "How the Quantum Eraser Rewrites the Past"

But if you want to put the breaks on some of the woo stuff that may be due to over-interpreting or over-hyping some aspects of the subject, this lady tamps down some of the hype (but things are still really weird).