So I know this isnt exactly a BJ topic, but i have seen sports talk on this forum so i figure its fine to post.
My friend asked me:
"So I need some help thinking through this. If my expectation for the NFL season was to make $10,000 and I’m currently at +$10,000 AV after 2 weeks, does it make sense to continue to play, or is my time better spent doing something else as a revenue stream for the rest of the season? My question is with sports betting does each season reset my ev, or is it like blackjack and more seasons will continue to build off one another rather than each season being a reset to the ev? And starting game 1 as my first data point towards reaching $10,000 ev for the season?”
I tried explaining that each game is its own situation, and that just because i am up $10,000 after just 2 weeks, that i still have +EV for the remaining 14 weeks, and that just sitting out the remaining weeks to wait for next season would be wasting EV.
I wanted to get all of your guys' thoughts on here to better explain EV with sports vs blackjack.