After the recent posts about trying to relate to a CDZ strategy I remembered that I had a program whose sole purpose is to output optimal SPL1 EVs. I found it had an error because instead of adding/removing a parameter called upCard I was adding/removing a parameter called rank in one portion of the program. It has been downloadable from my website for about nine years and I updated the downloads. I hope there are no more errors.

As far as precisely enumerating a CDZ strategy that covers SPL1 I guess that it might only help in identifying where the post split strategy differences from CDZ- might be. Although compiling some sort of strategy list might be doable, it's something I wouldn't care to do.

What the program endeavors to do is to compute each of the 2 pair hands. SPL1 can be computed by computing hand 1 and multiplying by 2. This only requires using unbusted hands. If hand 2 is computed taking into consideration the cards removed from hand 1, the busted hand 1 hands need to be considered also. This is more optimal. The need to use busted hands could be applied to even more allowed splits with a growing amount of complexity.

Sample output for 9-9 vs ace, single deck S17 NDAS, unconditional EVs (player BJ pushes dealer BJ, otherwise loses)
Shoe comp (A-5):  {4, 4, 4, 4, 4}
Shoe comp (6-T):  {4, 4, 4, 4, 16}

Single split EVs (full peek)

Press c or C to display EV on the condition that dealer has checked for
for blackjack - Press any other key to display unconditional EV: Unconditional

Please input pair value.
(a or A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,t or T): Pair value = 9 ...Computing, please wait...

SPL1 (split & play without knowledge of dealer up card): -0.0236440395378017
SPL1 versus 2: 0.173232943411645
SPL1 versus 3: 0.172778633765097
SPL1 versus 4: 0.252688077504041
SPL1 versus 5: 0.339219595561846
SPL1 versus 6: 0.359377292533821
SPL1 versus 7: 0.34057565610755
SPL1 versus 8: 0.179418224640052
SPL1 versus 9: -0.112239530063659
SPL1 versus T: -0.32491952594157
SPL1 versus A: -0.375118168549501

Press any key to continue