Thoughts on buying Blackjack Apprenticeship software? Would this be more helpful than reading books? Thanks
I’m a young aspiring AP. Can only play in certain parts of the world (not US). I spend most of my time back counting because I do not understand bet spreads and get distracted easily. I can only play for 1 hour tops before my mind starts to go blank. Best literature for my situation?
I have a sizeable bankroll. By back counting I mean I stand behind tables and when the count is favorable I play. I guess that would be considered “wonging.” I can not play for a long time because I get confused and have no real bet spread.
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Sizable as in what? No need for $ amount, but how many units? What count do you use? There is “standardized” bet spread for most counts.
Norm (site owner) has lots of information, you can always start there. He also has software that can help you. But you want to may just read first.
What confuses you about bet spread?
I think what you’re saying is that you want to flat bet, and do that only when you have an advantage. Not sure there’s a book that would handle that stand alone situation. So, understanding that you won’t be betting optimally, what are the rules, what’s your bank, what are the min max stakes and what will you flat bet.
So, approx 150 max bets, but you don’t understand bet spreads. Do you understand counting - if so, what count system so we can refer you to the best books for you.
I don’t see any issues suggesting a low flat bet wonging has where you can season yourself, but 1-10 wonging when you don’t understand betting is not wise. Rules look okay other than no surrender.
Also, the betting ramp you would employ given a specific rule set, would be dependant on deck penetration. What I’m generally saying Is because if your obvious inexperience - watch your ass.
I have only been introduced to HiLo. That’s the only one I’m comfortable enough playing and the only one I know. I never play 1-10 that’s where I want to end up. I mostly flat bet now because I’m unsure of how to bet. I don’t want to be a flat bettor, i want to know the “optimal” betting amounts relative to counts.
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