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Thread: CVCX option "Dealer Peeks on 10" on Sim Setup page is ignored / forgotten by the sim?

  1. #1

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    CVCX option "Dealer Peeks on 10" on Sim Setup page is ignored / forgotten by the sim?


    I want to compare my own strategy sim with the "canned" KO Preferred sim, which was done in CVCX using the "Dealer peeks on 10" option, as the "Sim Parms" in the Viewer window states:


    So I attached a copy of KO Preferred as Playing Strategy and set up an own sim, and checked "Dealer peeks on 10" before running the sim:


    But after running the simulation, when I got to the Viewer screen and checked the "Sim Parms", the option "Dealer peeks on 10" was not set anymore:


    I ran several simulations with all decks and rules and different number of simulation rounds (50 and 500 million), it was always the same: I checked the option "Dealer peeks on 10" before running the sim, but after the sim this option was not checked in the SimParms of the output.

    What is going wrong here?

  2. #2
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    CVCX is a parallel simulator. It can sim many things at the same time. Therefore, it's not sure what to display. But, it always runs according to the correct rules and the correct strategies according to your settings, switching the settings for each condition.

    Incidentally, that particular setting makes almost no difference except for highly unusual conditions.
    Last edited by Norm; 07-10-2020 at 05:08 AM.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Norm View Post
    CVCX is a parallel simulator. It can sim many things at the same time. Therefore, it's not sure what to display. But, it always runs according to the correct rules and the correct strategies according to your settings, switching the settings for each condition.

    Incidentally, that particular setting makes almost no difference except for highly unusual conditions.
    Hmmm, in real-world casino play, when the dealer peeks under a 10 and finds an ace, the round is immediately over. But when the dealer does not peek under 10, the round is played. Should he eventually find an ace underneath, I assume that in the U.S. the "OBO" rule holds, namely that only the original bets are lost, no double and split bets (in contrast to ENHC in Europe).

    The difference for the simulation should be that more cards are dealt within this round, and the subsequent rounds will alter because they start at a different ("later") location in the shoe. Probably this makes mathematically little difference, but I am confused about how the CVCX simulator handles peeking. I thought that either it always peeks under 10 or it never does (depending on this option set by the user before starting the simulation), not switching hence and forth.

    (Of course, if "No dealer hole card dealt" is selected, peeking is impossible, and the options "Dealer peeks on 10" and "Dealer peeks on Ace" make no sense anyway).
    Last edited by PinkChip; 07-11-2020 at 04:50 AM.

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