Hope the big players share...

My biggest difficulty is handling heat, especially at $25 minimum games. Often, the tables on main floor are near the pit podium and if I sit down, maybe playing alone or with one player. I can feel them looking at me, looking at the cards, looking at my stack of chips and if this happens, my betting ramp gets affected and I might seriously be underbetting or have to quit a great game if up a few hundred dollars. I don’t know if I am scared of back offs or reacting prematurely.

If I am playing under different circumstances, lots of DD tables, lots of players, presence of big bettors etc., I am not affected in my betting but often the number of players increase and the DD game gets tougher, fewer rounds, etc.

I still don’t have confidence in $25 min., 6 deck games (where the heat seems less) and don’t know the tipping point when the 6 deck games becomes more attractive than the DD game (penetration, number of players, heat etc.).

Anyone want to share how to handle these issues?