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Thread: Story Time: Its Time to Tally Up and Tell the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for 2019

  1. #1

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    Story Time: Its Time to Tally Up and Tell the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for 2019

    My year was really nothing special. If there was anything that stood out, it was the small amount of playing time I got in. In fact, it was the least amount of blackjack playing hours in the last 20 years. I've been tracking hours played for the last 20 years and year 2019 takes the cake for fewest hours played coming in at 158.5 hours.

    Needless to say with such a small amount of hours, blackjack winnings were on the low side. However, on a per hour basis this was my third best year when you look at win per hour played.

    Here is my chart for the year in case somebody missed it. It didn't change from the last time I posted it.

    2019 BJ by Hours.JPG
    Last edited by Midwest Player; 01-01-2020 at 12:46 AM.

  2. #2

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    I played about 150 Hours in 2019

    Here's my profit vs total bet and profit vs playing days charts

    Quote Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    My year was really nothing special. If there was anything that stood out, it was the small amount of playing time I got in. In fact, it was the least amount of blackjack playing hours in the last 20 years. I've been tracking hours played for the last 20 years and year 2019 takes the cake for fewest hours played coming in at 158.5 hours.

    Needless to say with such a small amount of hours, blackjack winnings were on the low side. However, on a per hour basis the was my third best year when you look at win per hour played.

    Here is my chart for the year in case somebody missed it. It didn't change from the last time I posted it.

    2019 BJ by Hours.JPG
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #3

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    $10-$100 betting spread with some martingale bet up to $200. Wong in, wong out, only play TC>=1.5
    Average about only $10/hour. Way far from making good money out of it. Hell lot of work but paid less than Walmart door guy. A lot of risks
    Last edited by BJcountingmaster; 12-31-2019 at 07:15 PM.

  4. #4

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    Made $115 per hour in 2019. About right at EV.

  5. #5

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    According to Colin Jones book, about $50-600 spread to achieve $100/hour

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by BJcountingmaster View Post
    According to Colin Jones book, about $50-600 spread to achieve $100/hour
    That may be true, but may not be. Depends on the game.

  7. #7

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    “According to Colin Jones”, no one ever loses, period. If you are making under $50 an hour, quit your job, play BJ but first, make sure to sign up for his boot camp!

  8. #8

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    Zee, you must have a few good stories from 2019 that are worth telling. How many back offs did you get in 2019? Were your backoffs polite?

  9. #9

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    Midwest, the dollar amount in your graph is missing (y axis). What is the scale?

  10. #10

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    I dont think colin jones was right on that. I'm making 150k +, with benefit and PTO how can I quit my job to play BJ full time? It will be just recreational.

    Quote Originally Posted by ZeeBabar View Post
    “According to Colin Jones”, no one ever loses, period. If you are making under $50 an hour, quit your job, play BJ but first, make sure to sign up for his boot camp!

  11. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    Zee, you must have a few good stories from 2019 that are worth telling. How many back offs did you get in 2019? Were your backoffs polite?
    I lost count but would guess about 5. All very polite and apologetic about decision being made by management. I also got countermeasured locally. How about you?

  12. #12

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    What's your betting unit and spread?

    Quote Originally Posted by ZeeBabar View Post
    I lost count but would guess about 5. All very polite and apologetic about decision being made by management. I also got countermeasured locally. How about you?

  13. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by ZeeBabar View Post
    “According to Colin Jones”, no one ever loses, period. If you are making under $50 an hour, quit your job, play BJ but first, make sure to sign up for his boot camp!

    Quote Originally Posted by BJcountingmaster View Post
    I dont think colin jones was right on that. I'm making 150k +, with benefit and PTO how can I quit my job to play BJ full time? It will be just recreational.

    Based on a 40 hour work week, $50 per hour is 104k per year. So earning 150k, "according to Colin" you are safe

    On the serious side, there are obviously many factors besides current earnings on whether to pursue full time play. Definitely not a one size fits all.
    Last edited by BankerCA; 01-01-2020 at 03:32 PM.

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