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Thread: Verity D HiOpt2 issues

  1. #1

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    Verity D HiOpt2 issues

    So my app updated, and I was running through some drills. I have it set to HiOpt2, and was doing an index test. But all of a sudden, I'm getting this:IMG_0873.jpg

  2. #2

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    And this:IMG_0872.jpg

  3. #3

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    10v10 is 8 and 16v10 is 0.

    Did something happen when I updated it? The update was automatic...

    This is Verite D, bty. It looks like my computer changed it to Verity in the title, and I can't edit it.

  4. #4
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    Works for me. Maybe a corrupted file. Try clicking RESET on the home page, which resets all options. Or reinstall.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

  5. #5

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    I just tried that, and no, I got buzzed on 10v10 again. The thing is, the playing chart is correct. So when it buzzed this error, I clicked on errors. That usually takes you to the strategy table and shows you your error, but it didn't. I'm not at home, so I'll try reinstalling later.

    My games app also auto updated, and it is working fine.

  6. #6

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    So I deleted the app on my iPad, and purchased the Android version for my phone. Again however, it's saying my answers are incorrect. If you click on the plane strategy you can see my answers were correct.

    For example, 10v10 doubles at 8.
    Screenshot_20190811-205449_Blackjack Verite Drills.jpg. The playing strategy even says it's 8.

    But on the flash drill, it says it's 2.
    Screenshot_20190811-205429_Blackjack Verite Drills.jpg

  7. #7

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    It's also doing this for 16 vs 10. The playing strategy says 0, but the flash drill says:Screenshot_20190811-205411_Blackjack Verite Drills.jpg.

    Please ignore the double wrong the answer. My first choice was zero, and I somehow selected something else when I did the screenshot.

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by RCJH View Post
    It's also doing this for 16 vs 10. The playing strategy says 0, but the flash drill says:
    It is giving you the answer for surrender. I know it says H/S, but if you are testing yourself for all indices it assumes you know to surrender the two card hands where appropriate. (This is my assumption of why it happened, but in any case -4 is the surrender index.)

    I should also mention that I have had issues similar to those you are showing us here, but most of them went away with upgrades to Android.

  9. #9
    Random number herder Norm's Avatar
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    I can't get it to fail. Email me the settings.
    "I don't think outside the box; I think of what I can do with the box." - Henri Matisse

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