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Thread: Ameristar KC & STL Changed Chips

  1. #1

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    Ameristar KC & STL Changed Chips

    Hey guys, Ameristar in KC and Ameristar in St Charles (STL region) have changed their chips. You have until June 30th at both properties to cash out any old ones. If you’re holding onto an inventory, then you’d better make plans to cash them soon!

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryemo View Post
    Hey guys, Ameristar in KC and Ameristar in St Charles (STL region) have changed their chips. You have until June 30th at both properties to cash out any old ones. If you’re holding onto an inventory, then you’d better make plans to cash them soon!
    Thank you for the heads up.

    On an unrelated note, has anyone ever just gone in with a bunch of chips and cashed them out? Do you linger around the craps table or anything like that? Or would it be better if you sent an associate?

    Asking for a friend...

  3. #3
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