Hello all, I am brand new here. I have been studying becoming an AP for about 3 months and after a lot of research I am mainly interested in the REKO count because I feel sacrificing a little bit of EV for a lot of simplicity and a lesser risk of my own error affecting my EV. My question is: Is the REKO count (using +2 for all indices) truly as good as Norm says it is? "This provides KO with 99% to 100.7% of HiLo performance from 44 to 90 cards cut off." (In a 6 deck shoe) Is what is claimed, and after running sims I have no reason to doubt him. So if I want to use a level 1 count, is it safe to say that REKO is where I should be looking for simplicity combined with effectiveness? I know a lot of people on this site are into more advanced counting methods and are quick to bash a count such as this, but anyone doing so if you could please reference numbers/stats/sims it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for any input in advance!