rules: 8decks, DAS, 75% pen, no surrender, H17, BJ pays 3-2. House edge seems to be 0.66% for this game.
Using OPP/speed count in the following manner;
IRC: 8
I am betting 2 units when count is 16+
when count goes to 0 or minus I wong out.
I also stand on 16vsT when count is positive (16+), always stand on a 3 cards+ 16vsT. Other than that I play BS for that particular game.
Also, note that I get about 0.2% cash back using my player's card. About 2$/h on a 20$ table minimum
I know theses aren't the best rules but I have no other option in my area and I play mostly for fun.
It seems that If I were to use KO with the 1-2 spread and those rules I would be -0.19% (not counting comps) so that would be a wash.
I can't do more than 1-2 spread because of bankroll and high miminums. I am wondering if I should use KO instead which would be more difficult to wong out with.
So the real question is;

What will lose me the less between;
KO 1-2 play all
OPP 1-2 wong out at RC 0 when IRC is 8
My gut tells me that OPP might be the better way to go under thoses precises parameters. Can you confirm this?
Any input appreciated, thanks.