In 6 deck H17 standard rules, HiLo TC of 4 about 2 deck into shoe and I had a $100 bet, received 8,8 against a 10. I split (is that a mistake?), received a 7 and a 9 (busted), received another 8 and split again. First got a 10 (18), then another 8 (split again). First 8 got a 3, doubled (for less, $50) and got a 7 and the last 8, I received a 10. Dealer had a 10 for a 20. Lost $450.

Anyone had this (4 8's) before?

Was splitting the first or second or 3rd time a mistake? Should one split at TC 4? I know doubling for less was a mistake. The whole damn table was pitying me. A few, including dealer said they would not split against a 10.

What mistakes was I making? Do you split it large bet is out and count is positive?