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Thread: Do You Check Your Win/Loss Statement from the Casino

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  1. #1

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    Do You Check Your Win/Loss Statement from the Casino

    I usually do. I don't check it to use with my tax preparation as I always use my records for my income taxes.

    The reason I check it is to see if I'm rat holing well enough to disguise my actual win. The good news is the casino destination I checked for 2017 has me down for a 4 figure loss while I actually had a 4 figure win. Maybe I will qualify for a free flight for next time. However, my slot free play was right on to the dollar to my records which I expected it to be.

  2. #2

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    Do your records also indicate how much you rat-holed?

    Table games win-loss statements are about as reliable as.....idk, something that's very unreliable. So just because the records are off by $10k (for example), that doesn't mean you successfully rat-holed $10k, as it might just be due to sh***y accounting.
    "Everyone wants to be rich, but nobody wants to work for it." -Ryan Howard [The Office]

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by RS View Post
    Do your records also indicate how much you rat-holed?

    Table games win-loss statements are about as reliable as.....idk, something that's very unreliable. So just because the records are off by $10k (for example), that doesn't mean you successfully rat-holed $10k, as it might just be due to sh***y accounting.
    I don't keep records on rat holing. It isn't the way I operate. However at this particular casino destination, I have been making trips for about ten years and only one of those years showed I had a bigger win than I actually had. I also have been told that I didn't qualify for a comped flight simply because I didn't lose enough the previous time.

  4. #4
    Member Casanova's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midwest Player View Post
    I didn't lose enough the previous time
    This sums up the house in one sentence.. No loss is ever enough for them

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Casanova View Post
    This sums up the house in one sentence.. No loss is ever enough for them
    House goal is to empty your wallet. I recently misplaced the contents of my wallet to the hold, had dinner comped, returned pulling a 5 pack from my PRL (pant reserve location). Missing bills were later located at the cash cage.

    Currency travels very quickly

  6. #6

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    Where's da poll? Boycotting thread till poll.

  7. #7

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    Best way to make the casino think you're a big loser is by actually losing a lot. Errr...maybe that's not the best way, but the most effective and accurate, as far as I know.

    I don't request a W/L statement except in specific cases, but the few times I have, the casino would allow you to enter for the current year (even if it's just a few months), some other year, or a range (ie: 2012-2014). If you play rated at CET and want to check your W/L for the current year, you can check the W/L for the previous year, change the year in the URL to whatever the current year is. I've done this many times in the past, although I haven't done it recently, so they may have changed it (I doubt it though). I don't remember how they do it for recent sessions, but it's something weird, like they don't add your W/L for several days or maybe not until the end of that current month, or else they add it immediately (and I found that to be odd), I don't remember.
    "Everyone wants to be rich, but nobody wants to work for it." -Ryan Howard [The Office]

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