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Thread: CVCX basic strategy only

  1. #1

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    CVCX basic strategy only

    Is there a built-in/easy way to run CVCX Hi-Lo to not use any indexes? Basic strategy only? Attaching a strategy doesnt let me uncheck all index's.

    I've been playing around with my own index generation and wanted to run some sims with different betting strategies to confirm the weighted value of different index since it seems everyone uses different ones. To do this, I need a basic strategy as a control.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2

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    How about this?....

    CVCX - Create a New Sim

    Click: Attach a Strategy

    Click: Define/Edit Strategy

    Click: Create a new Playing Strategy

    Fill In a Strategy Name & Click on 'Init'

    You will need to select an existing strategy when you click 'Init' that will serve as a "starting model"

    Next, Build the strategy you want. Make changes as necessary to the 'model' you selected. You can build a basic strategy table with HiLo tags but no index numbers. Sounds like that is what you desire

  3. #3

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    I actually tried that, but it didn't seem to work right... I probably did something stupid.

    BS strat fail.jpg

    The count is screwy.

    Also, on the "attach playing strategy" window, after defining the BS parameters, do the index radio buttons do anything? I left it selected at "full indexes." Not sure.


  4. #4

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    Never mind, I just found the "basic strategy" folder... Not sure how I overlooked it previously.

  5. #5

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    If anyone finds this later, the counts were messed up, because I had my "true count divisor" set at quarter decks in the playing strategy.

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