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Thread: Negative CE?

  1. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tthree View Post
    Some like to maximize BR growth, maximize CE, while others like to reach the long run faster, minimize n0. The to are related so one will tend to follow along with the other. Better is a matter of opinion or perhaps personal preference is a better term. I try to consider EV, n0 and certainty.
    Thanks for responding. I would like to hear some other opinions as well.

  2. #41

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    Maximize CE. Always.
    "Everyone wants to be rich, but nobody wants to work for it." -Ryan Howard [The Office]

  3. #42

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    Quote Originally Posted by RollingStoned View Post
    Maximize CE. Always.

    Thanks, why do you say that?

  4. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by MJ1 View Post
    Thanks, why do you say that?
    Because it basically takes all the stats of a game into account.

    Let's say you have 3 different games:

    A. EV is $1000, CE is $100
    B. EV is $500, CE is $250
    C. EV is $750, CE is $200

    Remember, CE is the value you'd take in exchange for NOT playing the game. So for A, you can generate $1000 in EV, or someone pay you $100 to not play the game. They are both equal. If someone said they'd pay you your CE for not playing whichever game you were gonna play, which game do you think you should say you were going to be playing? If it isn't obvious, the answer is B, because the person would pay you $250 (for B), and only $100 for A and $200 for C.

    Since CE is the value at which it is equal to either play the game or take the guaranteed (CE) amount and since no one is going to pay you your CE, which game is best to play? Remember, playing for an EV of $500 is the same as taking the guaranteed $250 [B]. I'd assume everyone would rather take a guaranteed $250 than a guaranteed $100 or $200. Thus, B is the best game to play, even though it has the lowest EV.

    Looking at N0 is an attempt at determining the certainty of a game....but CE just tells you the amount.
    "Everyone wants to be rich, but nobody wants to work for it." -Ryan Howard [The Office]

  5. #44

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    Quote Originally Posted by RollingStoned View Post
    Because it basically takes all the stats of a game into account.
    RS, interesting that you are now defending CE. LOL (private joke folks)
    Luck is nothing more than probability taken personally!

  6. #45

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    Quote Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
    RS, interesting that you are now defending CE. LOL (private joke folks)
    I don't and have never had a problem with CE, used properly. The way you were trying to apply CE to VP play was not correct and would lead you to playing with a smaller advantage....and even possibly a disadvantage if the play is not very strong.

    Quitting early in a session because you've hit or exceeded your EV for the session is undoubtedly the incorrect use of CE.
    "Everyone wants to be rich, but nobody wants to work for it." -Ryan Howard [The Office]

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